Friday, November 24, 2006

Thus Endeth The First Act

Yeah, like I'm going out on Black Friday and getting trampled. I might be crazy, but I'm not a moron. I plan on spending today eating turkey and maybe playing a little Resident Evil 4.

Speaking of, I did make a wee bit of progress in the game late last night. We last left off at the barn of Bitores Mendez, the "Rasputin" of whom I've spoken in the past. He kicked the snot out of me the last time we faced off, but I wouldn't be denied a victory the next time. I wasn't going to quit until Rasputin was brought down.

He smacked me around pretty good twice, but the third time was the charm. I took him out after a brutal war that left me with no health left at all. No joke, I couldn't see any health left at all on the little meter in the corner of the screen. So of course, I stopped by Trader Joe's and purchased a first aid spray before I saved the game. Like I'm not gonna do that.

With one more boss battle under my belt, I forged ahead, because I was close to wrapping up part of the game. My handy dandy rifle took out the crazy trucker, then headed straight for the castle to finish the game's first act. I swung by Trader Joe's once I got inside the castle, and traded in my bolt-action rifle and shotgun for the semi-automatic rifle and the riot gun. A little tougher firepower never hurt anybody. Well, maybe some people. But not me.

The catapults in the next area were a pain, but I managed to get past them and break down the castle door with that giant cannon. But then in the sword exchange room, I got surrounded and poor Ashley got snatched away. So I figured I would live to fight another day and left the game. Next time, I'll be starting back at Trader Joe's shop, ready to get around the catapults again.

That might not sound like an extraordinary amount of progress, but I believe that a little is better than none. Besides, making it to the second act of the game is not too shabby. But the first act was just the tip of the iceberg, because neither the castle or the island war zone will show me any mercy.

And to that, I say bring it on.


Blogger Libby said...

Those freaks don't stand a chance!

November 26, 2006 at 9:23 PM  

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