Sunday, October 1, 2006

Recapping Last Week

So now we've entered the month of October. The year seems like it's just flown by. It'll be Halloween just four weeks from Tuesday, and I'm totally looking forward to that.

But this past week has just sapped nearly all of my strength, mainly because Tuesday and Wednesday were so crammed full of activity. Tuesday saw myself and Moses head up to Bardstown. He had an 8:00 appointment to get his car's windows tinted, so we dropped the car off and walked around town. Unfortunately, because there aren't any sidewalks in that section of town, we had to walk in the grass on the side of the road. That wouldn't be too bad normally, but thanks to all the rain we got last weekend, the ground was still really wet and nasty. So when you combine that with my crappy shoes, I ended up feeling like I was walking around in a puddle all day. That was boatloads of fun.

But anyway, we hit up Burger King for breakfast first. Have you seen those Meat'normous sandwiches that Burger King sells? It's two sausage patties, two eggs, cheese, ham, and bacon on a bun. The thing clogs my arteries just thinking about it. It can't be healthy, but I tried one anyway, and it wasn't bad. Though to be honest, I'll take a bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddle from McDonald's any day of the week.

After that, Kroger. Moses has an uncle that works there, so he wanted to swing by and say howdy. I also think that Moses has developed an affection for scratch-off lottery tickets. He got particularly hooked back in August, when we spent a good long while at the Kentucky lottery booth at the state fair. The reason I mention this is because as we headed out of Kroger, we stopped over at the little lottery ticket machines by the door so he could buy a few scratch-off tickets. I think he just about broke even, which is better than a loss, right?

From Kroger, we started to head back in the direction of the car shop. Just to kill a little time, we made a stop at the Movie Gallery down the street from the place. What really attracted me was the racks of used DVDs Movie Gallery had on sale. Most of them were priced between ten and fifteen dollars, but quite a few were marked down to five bucks. Needless to say, we made pretty good use of that deal. So we took our movies, picked up the car, and had a movie night that evening. And that was Tuesday.

Wednesday was a little bit slower, but still a busy day. Again, it involved Moses and I hanging around. But instead of Bardstown, we handed up to Lawrenceburg to hang out with our Anderson County associates Jennifer and Tiffany. It was mostly us sitting around at Jennifer's house, but we did get around to watching some of the Supergirl movie, played a little of the Punisher PS2 game, then caught House of the Dead 2 on the Sci-Fi Channel. Good times.

Yeah, this is a post (or two) I could have made last week. But I'm slow, sue me. But really, any time is a good time to post. Am I right? Of course I am. I do think I might have another post like this later in the week, though. Moses and I are thinking of making some more Lawrenceburg plans, especially since he's got to return some DVDs to Lawrenceburg's Movie Gallery on Wednesday. But we'll see what happens, because we're spur-of-the-moment people. Until then, true believers, excelsior.


Blogger Libby said...

Sounds like it was a pretty fun week, man.

October 2, 2006 at 11:40 PM  

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