Wednesday, September 6, 2006

State of the Script

A friend of the blog wrote a post yesterday about the various writing talent of her associates, and among the items spoken of was a certain attempt at a screenplay written by yours truly. I figure that now is a good time as any to talk about the status of that project.

To tell you the truth, I haven't touched it in quite some time. I don't have any particular direction I'm aiming for, nor can I think of any way to connect the one or two scenes I've managed to think up. Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I don't have a set outline I want to follow, and I don't have any sort of resolutions I'm aiming for at this juncture in the process. I'm just writing Scene #1, Scene #2, Scene #3, and so on, making it all up in my head as I go along. (And I'm not making up much, since I'm stuck on Scene #3 with no clue where to go next.)

Sometimes I wonder if writing this script is what I've been put here to do. I've wanted to do something like this for the longest time, but it isn't coming as naturally as I thought it would. Is it supposed to be this hard? Perhaps it's my severe lack of life experience. Perhaps it's the fact that I've seen so many movies that I can't think of any way to do a scene without doing it like something else. I don't know.

But as I said, I just wonder if this is what I should be doing. My self-depriciating comments regarding my writing talent merely echo my own fears. I've gotten the reviews thing down pat, and I love doing those. But when it comes to the script, I don't know what I'm doing or how to knock it out when I do know. This is something I've wanted to forever, and now that I've finally made an attempt, it's not what I thought it would be. I may put it on hold until I can acquire some material to work with. Might take months, might take years. I don't know.

Why can't this writing thing come with an instruction manual or a road map or something?


Blogger Libby said...

Writing is hard, there's no doubt about it. I just happen to love it. There are books and such about writing and about writing screenplays in particular, and some are really good and some aren't as helpful as you'd like. A lot of them try to form you into a typical cookie cutter pattern, which is something I can't deal with. I have to be myself.

But I've seen that you have talent, and if you ever want to discuss it and maybe brainstorm ideas, or anything, let me know. I'm right there in your corner, man.

September 6, 2006 at 5:07 PM  
Blogger David said...

Writing - whether books or scripts - is bloody hard. It is blood, sweat and tears. You can learn a lot about story structure, character creation and general writing from books, get a lot of good, creative feedback from other writers, but at the end of the day, wherever you get help from it will be you and the keyboard, you and the text. Keep faith in the story and yourself and I promise you, you will write this script. Shout if you need help.

September 6, 2006 at 5:19 PM  

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