Thursday, August 10, 2006

Somebody Call Noah, Tell Him He's On Deck

I was telling some people last week that we could use a little rain to help out with this uncomfortable heat wave we've been having lately. And guess what happens? A thunderstorm today. It isn't one of those black cloud, hard rain ones, but it still came down like cats and dogs. And it was enough to cause a power surge that knocked our electricity out for a few seconds. The lightning even caused our phone to ring once. I don't know how, but it did.

It's starting to die down now, and I wouldn't be surprised if we got three or four inches of rain. The news meteorologists talk like other places were hit harder than us, and they even showed a light pole in Lexington that had been knocked over. One county even got a tornado warning just a few minutes ago.

But at least the weather here is starting to subside. Hopefully, all this rain will make things cooler around here. These 95-100 degree days are rough, so if the temperature can come down to about 85, I'll be fine. Me and Mother Nature will be cool.

And that's about it for that. Out.


Blogger Libby said...

I wouldn't mind some rain today myself. We got surprised by a sudden downpour yesterday around this time. The sky went from sunny to instant black, and then it came down like the end of the world.

It was neat.

August 11, 2006 at 5:37 PM  

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