Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Have Had It With These Snakes!

I headed out to the theater with my usual partner in crime Moses, and finally got around to seeing two movies I'd been planning on checking out. The fun part of seeing two movies that have been out for a while on a late Monday afternoon means that very few people will be out seeing movies. So what did that mean for us? Moses and I are the only ones in the theater for both movies.

First up was the 4:55 showing of Accepted. The movie, about a crew of misfits that start a fake college after each get rejected by every other school they applied to, wasn't too bad at all. It's not a classic, but it has a lot of laughs while making me wish that my school had been like that. Accepted made me laugh, and Lewis Black is exceptionally great, so I'll give the movie a solid three stars.

We followed that up with the 7:30 showing of Snakes on a Plane. Every good thing you've heard about Snakes is absolutely true. It's typical B-movie fare, but it's just so much fun that even the bad is good. I enjoyed the movie so much that I felt exhausted after watching it, no lie. Quite a few jump scares, entertaining performances, and snakes upon snakes upon snakes on a plane, I couldn't help feeling like I'd been on a rollercoaster ride of a movie. And because it exceeds all the expectations I had for it, Snakes on a Plane gets four stars and the Sutton At The Movies seal of approval. Go see it if you haven't yet.

And that's all for this episode. Out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being the only one in the theater is the ONLY way to watch a movie as far as I'm concerned! Remember when we went to see Ghostbusters 2.

August 29, 2006 at 9:34 AM  
Blogger Matt Sutton said...

Yeah, but some movies are more fun with audiences, just for the atmosphere. Though at least in an empty theater, I can yell at the screen if the movie sucks.

August 29, 2006 at 4:02 PM  

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