Tuesday, July 4, 2006

It's A Start, At Least

My earlier post wasn't exactly a happy one, so I figure a second post is in order so that can be remedied.

That script I was trying to write is coming along at a snail's pace. It took me forever to come up with names for the first four characters introduced, but I did manage to knock out nearly five pages once I got that taken care of.

I'm stuck in the middle of the second scene, and I'm not quite sure how I want it to progress. I had an idea of spoofing the opening credits of Reservoir Dogs in scene three, but I haven't quite figured out how I'd get there, nor have I completely sold myself on the idea of doing it.

I've also thought of doing something similar to Super Troopers, where it's a bunch of skits stitched together with a skeleton frame of a plot. The only bad parts are that 1.) Super Troopers was written by five guys, and I'm just one; and 2.) the Broken Lizard members are funnier than myself. But I figure I could hammer something out once I got it all settled.

I might put the script on hold for a little while, just to give myself some time to prepare. I don't really know what direction I'm headed in, or what I'm doing in general, but I think I'll be able to make it work sooner or later. Even if it doesn't work out, I can at least give it a shot, right?



Blogger Michael said...

Again I say we should collabotate. I've got several books on writing, three of which are specifically about writing screenplays. And not all of my jokes are asinine!

July 4, 2006 at 8:59 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Go Team Venture!

July 7, 2006 at 10:18 AM  

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