Sunday, June 11, 2006

Victory At Last!

I'm going to take this opportunity to pat myself on the back, because I just completed Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. My final time: seven hours, seven minutes, and 46 seconds. It probably would have been shorter had I not hit "retry" 17 times (since I think the continues are added to the final tally in RE:CV), but oh well, I beat the game.

That last battle was rough, too. The final boss, Alexia, came in two forms: one was a big nasty blob of a thing with tentacles, and it could unleash bugs to attack me. After trying to kill it a good six times, I finally got her. But then the "blob" form disappeared, and Alexia turned into a giant half-human/half-dragonfly that could spit napalm at me. Lucky for me, I managed to pick up a new toy at this point. The game calls the new toy "the linear launcher," but it looks more like the BFG9000 from Doom. And luckily, it has infinite ammo, because I must have fired a good nine or ten shots before I finally hit Alexia. She's a crafty wench, I'll give her that. But I finally hit her, and she goes kablammo. It was a beautiful sight.

And now for the finale. The closing cinematic scenes must have ran ten minutes long, no joke. Not to give away too many spoilers for those of who who may want to track down a copy of RE:CV one of these days, but that Wesker guy can really take a shot. A pipe to the noggin gets shrugged off, a bunch of steel girders dropped on him just staggers him, and a big fireball to the face causes minimal adverse effects; he can hold really his own. I want to see more of this guy in future games, because he's one bad dude.

But I've finally conquered RE:CV, which gives me at least one victory in all six core chapters of the Resident Evil saga. I'm going to go celebrate.


Blogger Libby said...

Yay! I knew you could do it. I had total faith the whole time.

June 11, 2006 at 10:19 PM  

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