Thursday, June 1, 2006

Relaxation, Reviews, Resident Evil

The month of May is in the history books, and now it's time to jump into June.

So far, today has been a lot like yesterday. Really quiet, not a lot going on. Days like this are much welcomed, however, because I could use some rest and relaxation after days like Tuesday. Though I must admit, a few more days like Tuesday would be much welcomed. I have no problem with a little more excitement around here once in a while.

I mentioned a while back that I had a few ideas for new reviews I'd like to write. Following a discussion with a fellow lover of the cinematic arts last night, I added a few new movies to my rather lengthy "To Do" list. I figure I'll get around to them sooner or later, but I don't want to rush myself. You can't rush greatness. Rushed greatness isn't really greatness at all.

I haven't made any substantial progress on RE:CV lately, mainly due to my fear of spiders, especially ones that are the size of small cows. It might be a little silly to be afraid of virtual spiders, but goshdarn it, I hate bugs in just about every form. Maybe that's what Capcom wanted, though. It's a horror game, and these monsters scare me senseless. Those Capcom fellas are a sneaky lot.

That's pretty much all I've got for right now. If I can think of something further, I'll post. Otherwise, I'm satisfied with today's work.


Blogger Libby said...

Yay! Movies. I'm on a big movie kick lately, even though my newest rentals are just sitting around collecting dust. I have until Sunday anyway, so it's all good.

I could use some slower days. Right now I'm just too busy, and I have too many darn things to do.

June 1, 2006 at 10:58 PM  

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