Saturday, December 17, 2005

Three Hours Is Too Long To Monkey Around

Kentucky 73, Louisville 61. It's a good day to be a UK fan.

In other news, I caught Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong tonight, and I thought it was outstanding. The only complaints I have about it are the fact that the ship's arrival at Skull Island was so dark, I couldn't tell what was going on (or was that just due to a messed-up projector at the theater I was at?), and that the movie just seemed to drag at times. Did we really need a ten-minute scene of dinosaurs falling down a cliff?

They could have easily cut 30 minutes of the jungle scene out, and I doubt it would have been missed. Now I understand why Miramax decided to cut Kill Bill in half, because if King Kong felt too long at three hours, then I'd have been completely worn out after a four-hour movie. In any event, the movie is nothing short of wonderful. And oddly enough, the best member of the cast is the CGI gorilla. The scene where he keeps knocking over Naomi Watts's character during her dance routine is hilarious, and the ending is so heartwrenching that if I'd been alone, I'd have been bawling like a baby. I can't give King Kong anything less than four stars, and I recommend seeing it, for sure.


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