Thursday, September 22, 2005

War And Peace, Starring The X-Men

Quick shout-out to my sister, who's 19 today. Happy happys.

I know I haven't exactly been making frequent posts here lately, but there's a perfectly good reason. Okay, so it may not be "perfectly good," but it's the only reason I have. And just what reason is that, you may be asking? I've been busy working on a new review for "Sutton At The Movies," that's why. And since inquiring minds want to know, the movie is none other than The Exorcism of Emily Rose, the heartwarming tale of a young woman who has seizures so severe that those Japanese kids that spazzed out watching Pokémon look like they had a mild shiver. Check it out, and I hope you enjoy it. Was a two-week wait with no posts worth it just for one of my reviews? I hope so, although as always, your mileage may vary.

Not much else is going on for me to talk about, that I know of. I wanted to go see Cry Wolf and Venom, but only one theater within 40 miles is showing Cry Wolf and I don't know of any showing Venom. Word is Venom only at opened at 400 theaters, which is so sparse, I'm surprised it even got a theatrical release at all. Though don't hold me to that last sentence, since I'm not sure exactly how wide its release was. But if you're only going to give a movie full of nobodies a release of just 400 screens, why bother putting any heavy advertising into it? I could understand if it had A-list (or even B-list) talent, but the cast if full of people I've never heard of. The only "name" in the movie I recognize is Method Man, and if the cast list on is any indication, it's just a bit part. That'd make the idea of promoting the movie around him like how Miramax put Drew Barrymore and Jada Pinkett Smith on the posters for Scream and Scream 2. Sure, those two are famous, but getting killed in the first five minutes doesn't put you on the same level as the stars of the show. Makes no sense, if you ask me. But I'm not a big-shot Hollywood executive, so what do I know?

I was doing some reading about X-Men 3, and with a cast as huge as X3's, there's going to be too much room for any character development. If there is, the movie is going to be at least three hours long. Or maybe they just need to trim some fat because the movie is starting to look like War And Peace with mutants. Check out the cast of characters...
  1. Professor Xavier
  2. Magneto
  3. Wolverine
  4. Mystique
  5. Cyclops
  6. Storm
  7. Jean Grey/The Phoenix
  8. Rogue
  9. Iceman
  10. Pyro
  11. Kitty Pryde
  12. Colossus
  13. Angel
  14. Jubilee
  15. Beast
  16. Juggernaut
  17. Leech
  18. Avalanche
  19. Siryn
  20. Omega Red
  21. Gauntlet
  22. Multiple Man
  23. Scarlet Witch
  24. "The X-Kid," whoever that is
Throw in the Sentinels and Moira MacTaggart (and the chance that Gambit may or may not have a cameo), and that's a loaded cast. I know the X-Men series has a huge cast, but how many people want to see some of the nobodies they have listed? I know they want to get as many franchise characters in there as they can, but come on now. I've never even heard of Gauntlet or Avalanche or Leech. If they want to have so many characters, they should just quit doing movies and start a television show instead. I loved the first two X-Men movies, but this sort of thing is why the movies with singular superheroes have a slight edge over them. You get to know and understand them and what's in their heads. At least there's only four members of the Fantastic Four. But counting Moira MacTaggart, X3 has twenty-five characters. Twenty-five! Even if most of them are only in one or two scenes, that's HUGE. It's why I'm looking forward to seeing the Wolverine and Magneto solo movies, just because they'll actually have room to breathe.

Okay, folks, I'm stuck for things to talk about. Sutton out.


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