Monday, August 22, 2005

Body By Jake: Sutton's Cure For Insomnia.

Hey, hey. It's been awhile. Just blame it on a lack of anything interesting to say.

When you're a night owl like myself, weird things tend to entertain you at 5:00 in the morning when you're delirious from no sleep. For example, reruns of Body By Jake. For you unfamiliars, Body By Jake is a 30-minute workout show hosted by a man who can be described as a cross between Sylvester Stallone and fitness guru Tony Little. I turned that show on and watched for a good ten minutes before I fell asleep.

Thanks to IFC, I've now seen two slasher movies that have gained some minor popularity among slasher movie fandom. April Fool's Day was actually enjoyable (with a twist ending to end all twist endings), but having caught a glimpse of the bottom of the genre's barrel in Slumber Party Massacre, I don't know if I want to delve any further into the slasher realm. Thanks for trying, Slumber Party Massacre, but I think I'll just stick to Freddy and Jason. No hard feelings, or anything like that. April Fool's Day gets three stars, Slumber Party Massacre gets one and a half stars.

You know, I really can't think of anything else to talk about... with the exception of one thing. I have a brand new review for Sutton At The Movies, and it's a doozy. You asked for it, you got it. The new review: none other than Sin City. Go read it. I can wait.

Okay, done reading the review? You're back? Good. Now comment! I dare you! Sutton out.


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