Sunday, May 1, 2005

I'm Happy I Don't Live In Amityville

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane... it's just me. Sorry to get your hopes up.

So I caught the Amityville Horror remake both on Monday afternoon and Thursday night, and my one word review is "eek." I thought the whole "let's explain everything" moment at the end was a little contrived and didn't really contribute anything to the movie, but other than that, it wasn't too bad at all. As usual, Ryan Reynolds stole the show. I was so used to seeing him as this hammy comedic guy, but then he turns into this abrasive psycho that thinks his family is crazier than he is. There's some fun scares, and I'll give it three and a half stars. As soon as I get around to seeing the original movie all the way through, full reviews will be forthcoming.

You know that little indy wrestling promotion I've talked about a lot? Sadly, they apparently had their final show last night. I don't know what I'm going to do on my weekends now, unless I start following one around the state or another promotion starts in that particular building. If it wasn't over an hour away, I'd start going to OVW's television tapings regularly.

Anyway, there's nothing else to report. Sutton out.


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