Monday, April 11, 2005

Before you die, you see the sequel.

Yeah, folks, it's me. Nice to see you too. Did you miss me? No? Why not?! Great, now you made me cry. I hope you're happy. Jerk.

I really don't have anything to talk about, so why don't I just shoot the breeze a little while? Is that okay with you? It's not? Too bad, fignuts. I'm the one with the microphone, and you will listen to every damn word I have to say! Yes, I've seen The Wedding Singer, thanks for noticing.

I was watching Miss Congeniality yesterday (for the first time, I might add), and I came to the following conclusion: William Shatner is awesome. Dispute it all you want, but it's the absolute truth.

I downloaded Sin City a few nights ago, and while I've only watched bits and pieces of it so far, it's definitely the bee's knees. I wish I could see it on the big screen, but I'll take what I can get until the DVD is released. I plan on doing a review of Sin City for "Sutton At The Movies," so you can look forward to that. Meanwhile, you can enjoy my review of The Ring Two. I also gave my review of the previous Ring a little touchup, and you can read that here.

I hear that Sony is working on the PlayStation 3 now. If it's compatible with PS2 games, I might as well start buying the games instead of saving up for a PS2. Stupid game consoles. I think I'll just stick with Nintendo after all. Speaking of Nintendo, I really need to look into getting some new games. What sucks is that they're fifty bucks a piece, sometimes more if they're rare. If you can find the Gamecube versions of Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil 3, you'll have to sell a kidney to afford them. It's insanity. There's always the "Player's Choice" line, but I don't like waiting eight to ten months for a game to drop down to 15 bucks.

So that's all I've got. Sutton out.


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