Thursday, March 10, 2005

Psychos Love Me

Welcome back, friends and enemies, to the blog that never sleeps. My stalker is starting to really piss me off. Some of you know the story, some of you are hearing it for the first time. But here's the situation.

Back in January, my dad keeps telling me about this twenty-something coworker of his that's single and desperate for a man. I mean, she's asked out single guys, married guys, gay guys, straight guys. She wants a man and she wants one bad. Shortly after he starts talking to me about her, the phone calls began. The first few times, it was okay. I had no problem with that. But then she started calling two or three times a day. I ended up going out with her once, hoping she'd leave me alone after that. Despite being visibly uncomfortable being out with her, she didn't stop there. I somehow ended up out with her a second time. And the phone calls have gotten more and more annoying. She's started saying "I love you," and has told me to tell her the same even if I don't mean it. She apparently thinks I'm her boyfriend, despite me having corrected her. She's "joked" that she likes to peep in my windows. She's said that she wants to move in and live in my bedroom. She's said she'd beat up my sister for no reason. And she even said (hopefully jokingly) that she would marry me. I want to tell her to sod off, but I'm scared she'd pull a Fatal Attraction on me and boil some of my pets.

Okay, long story short, a psycho loves me. Isn't that lovely? My description really doesn't do the insanity justice. All I need to do is work up the courage to tell her to buzz off. Maybe I should just block her phone number and hope she gets the hint. Yeah, I kinda like that idea. Let's see how she likes THAT.

Life feels... I don't know, different lately. I can't quite put my finger on what the difference is, but something's up. Maybe it's the loony lover. Maybe it's that general case of the blahs that comes and goes. I don't know what my problem is. Eh, maybe I'll figure it out sooner or later. I can't be clueless all the time, can I? No, I can't be. Things are gonna improve around here, believe you me.

Okay, on to other subjects. I'm sure 99.9% of you have heard about the Matt Hardy/Lita/Edge love triangle. If not, you're either not a wrestling fan or just don't care, and I figure I might as well throw my two cents in too. With all the "Lita's a slut" stuff Trish was throwing out in the aftermath of her pregnancy storyline, you'd think Lita would be out to get some righteous vengeance and retribution in order to retain some kind of dignity. But then it turns out that she really is a slut. And like Libby said at her blog, she got off pretty light on Raw when compared to the vitriol that Edge got. So I guess WWE hasn't adopted the "Lita = homewrecker" outlook that everyone else has. Matt's got every right to be upset and heartbroken, though. If you were dating someone for the better part of a decade and discovered that your significant other was sleeping around with a close friend, you be a little miffed too.

Have you heard the rumors that Quentin Tarantino might direct the next Friday The 13th movie? Now you have! "Quentin Tarantino Presents Friday The 13th, Part 12." Sounds awesome to me.

These "Fair Enough" antismoking ads are so stupid. I'd start lighting up out of spite if I wasn't allergic to cigarette smoke.

You know, I really need to start going out and doing more stuff. I'm starting to bore myself with my various incoherent ramblings, so either I need to go out and do stuff, or just find something new to ramble about. I've noticed I've been repeating myself a lot more lately, and I could definitely stand to expand my discussion horizons, unless I get distracted by something else.

That's all I've got for now. Sutton out.


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