Thursday, March 17, 2005

Psychos Love Me, Part 2

Okay, so I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is I haven't heard anything from that stalker in over a week, and I'm beginning to enjoy the peace and quiet. But I don't want to jinx it, so I'd better just shut up. The bad news is... well, I don't have any bad news to report. So hooray for that.

Add one more movie to "Sutton At The Movies." This time, I decided to review a cartoon and came out with The Incredibles. Check it out, if you please.

You'd think that with Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky playing each other in the first round of the NCAA tournament that it'd tear the state in half. But guess what? Even EKU is rooting for Kentucky. They're probably doing that because they know they have absolutely no chance in hell of actually beating Kentucky. And you know what? They don't.

That Visa commercial featuring the Marvel characters started out as really amusing the first dozen or so times I saw it, but now it's lost its novelty. But that Underdog cameo is good stuff.

You know the rumors that Quentin Tarantino might direct the next Friday The 13th movie? Turns out he turned New Line down. He'd rather work on Inglorious Bastards and his next kung fu movie instead, and that really sucks. Quentin Tarantino Presents Friday The 13th, Part 12 would have been awesome.

That's all I've got. Sutton out.


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