Sunday, March 20, 2005

Before you die, you see the sequel.

You're not gonna believe this, but I actually went out and saw a movie Friday night. I know, I never do that. I'm as shocked as you are. But anyway, I managed to get out of the house and see The Ring 2, and it was something else. It wasn't as good at first, and there were some parts that just plain didn't make sense, but it was definitely something else. It isn't as good as the previous Ring, but comparing The Ring 2 to The Ring is unfair. The sequel is a completely different beast than its predecessor. I'd probably have to see it a second or even third time to really get its vibe. With movie ticket prices the way they are, I'll probably just download it in a few weeks and save myself $6.50. Money's tight around the Sutton household, so piracy might be the way to go.

But I'm getting off-track. I really can't go too into detail without spoiling anything, but both Naomi Watts and David Dorfman are both great. Dorfman's character is creepy as hell (just like in the first Ring), and Watts once again holds the movie together by not only doing the "curious reporter" routine from The Ring, but adding a little "concerned mother" too. Like I said, the previous Ring is the more superior one of the two, but Ring 2 failed to disappoint. Three and a half stars for The Ring 2.

I was reading my review of The Incredibles, and I thought of something. How many people get the Isadora Duncan reference in the review? I know my mom does, I know Libby does (after I explained it to her), but I'm just curious as to how many heads that went over. And I'll be honest with you: I actually had no idea who Isadora Duncan was myself, until I read Roger Ebert's review for The Incredibles, and it was just so obscure, I had to make mention of it too. Thanks for helping, Mr. Ebert, but I still haven't forgiven you for Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.

The more ads for it I see, the cooler and cooler Sin City looks.

You diehard wrestling fans out there might remember two episodes of Raw that featured "Raw Roulette." You might even remember when Raw Roulette was WCW's "Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal." Well, I've been thinking about Raw Roulette, and I think it could be a neat gimmick to center a pay-per-view event around. I'm a mark for themed PPVs (like Taboo Tuesday, the Survivor Series, the Lethal Lottery), and a show made up of random gimmick matches would be fun. Maybe WWE could even dust off WCW's old "Uncensored" PPV name, just as long as they don't book a King Of The Road match. That was a neat concept, but the execution could have used work.

Speaking of gimmick matches, I'm just waiting for WWE to rip off TNA's Ultimate X match. But then again, that would mean WWE would be putting their cruisers in a show-stealing match. And we can't have that, can we?

That's all the news that's fit to print, and I have nothing else to say that is either relevant or true. Sutton out.


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