Monday, January 3, 2005

I *heart* Comics

Welcome back to the blog, where we're live in '05 and hoping you readers had a safe and happy New Year's celebration. Am I the only one who thinks 2004 just flew by? It seems like 2004 just started yesterday, and now it's already 2005. Like the saying goes, time flies. And 2004 must have had some big wings, because it flew through the sands of time pretty quickly. And the 2004 archives can be read at the link above, if you're wondering where they went.

I think some of you readers are starting to rub off on me, What makes me say that? I'm starting to develop an attraction to comic books. I got into Buffy and Smallville because of you guys, and comics are next. I've been a fan of Batman for a long time, even if I've never really been into comics, and I'd love to get my hands on "Batman: Year One" or "The Dark Knight Returns." I've started really getting into The Punisher lately too, and I've heard the "Welcome Back Frank" series is great, so I wouldn't mind coming across that, What sucks is that I don't know where the nearest comic book store is, and I don't have the cash right now to buy them anyway. One of these days, though... they will be mine.

All the Smallville I've been watching lately makes me want a red Kryptonite ring, Somebody find me some red Kryptonite! Now! Even if a Smallville High School class ring would be really geeky, it'd be neat to own one.

Nothing left to say, Sutton out.


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