Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween, dear readers. Don't try to overdose on too much candy and trick-or-treating goodies and whatnot. You know how you can avoid that? Share with me.

Not a lot has gone on this week. I caught Saw on Friday, and I'm working on a full review of that. I wanted to get it done so I could post it tonight, but it's not, so you're just gonna have to wait. Same goes for the review of Shaun of the Dead I was working on. But I do have a new review for you just in time for Halloween; this time it's The Grudge. Feel free to read that, and any other horror reviews at "Sutton At The Movies" (which equates to about 90% of the movies there).

Anyway, back to Saw, which I thought was very fun and exciting. I loved the homage to Black Christmas near the end and especially the whole concept of the movie, but it seems like the movie is trying too hard to be like Seven at times. Despite that and some inconsistent acting, and I'll give it three and a half stars. However, if you need a Halloween-type movie to see, go see The Grudge. Better yet, go to the local video store and rent Halloween. Make sure it's the original Halloween and not one of the crappy sequels, though. Halloween 2 is decent, Halloween 3 is a watchable B-movie (despite having no Michael Myers), but Halloween 4 through Halloween: Resurrection are range from "blah" to "crappy."

You could also rent the Dawn of the Dead remake. I picked up the unrated DVD of it on Tuesday, and I definately approve. The unrated director's cut is just as entertaining (if not moreso) as the R-rated theatrical cut, and makes for an hour and a half of good scary viewing.

Added to the Blatant Movie Shilling: the House of 1000 Corpses sequel The Devil's Rejects. There's no release date yet, but many are expecting anywhere from next spring to next Halloween. Any updates, I'll fix it. But feel free to check out the teaser trailer on the website.

Nothing else to really report on this week, other than I've got a crapload of horror movies to watch. Sutton out.


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