Friday, August 13, 2004

Camp Crystal Lake: Worst Camp Ever

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody. I hope you all have your hockey masks dusted off and your machetes sharpened. It's Friday the 13th, and there aren't any Friday The 13th movies on TV. Sure, I own them all on DVD, but when I was younger, I loved getting to watch two or three Friday movies on TV. I even remember Joe Bob Briggs doing an all-night marathon of the Paramount movies. All I know is that on June 13, 2005, I'll be going crazy! That is Jason's 25th birthday, after all.

Alien vs. Predator was released today, and I've heard some rather disappointing reviews, but it sounds like most of the critics are just bashing it because they dislike the director. I've honestly seen reviews that essentally said, "Mortal Kombat sucked, Event Horizon sucked, Resident Evil sucked, Alien vs. Predator sucks, and Paul Anderson can kiss my ass." So what if Paul Anderson's done some movies that were less than stellar? I haven't seen AvP yet, but it's a little unfair to judge it on the director's past work. I do plan on seeing the movie, and I'll tell you what I think of it when I do.

There's word that Warner Brothers will release a ten-disk box set of the Matrix trilogy in December. From the looks of it, each movie will get two disks, The Animatrix will get two, and there'll be an additional two for added special features. I'd think about getting it if there wasn't a $60 price tag. Then again, the Alien box set is upwards of 80 to 100 dollars and I'd get that if I could. So maybe I'm not the best judge of things.

Summerslam is on Sunday, and it's shaping up to be a good PPV. The whole Diva Dodgeball thing though... I'm torn on that. Sure, the Divas will be geting a PPV check, but the seven Potentials are awful. I really have no desire to see any of them waste valuable television time. These losers get all kinds of TV exposure doing useless crap, but Alexis Laree is wallowing in OVW's nearly non-existant women's division. It's sad, really.

All kinds of celebrities are dying lately. First Rick James, then Fay Wray and Julia Child. Why do the cool ones day? Can't the crappy celebrities die? I mean, Andy Dick is right there! Go get him, Grim Reaper!

I have nothing else today that is either relevant or true. Sutton out.


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