Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I Absolutely Love Movies

Hey look, an update.

I actually have some good DVD news. reports that Pee Wee's Playhouse will be released sometime this fall (possibly November) in two volumes, with a limited edition of the entire show (featuring commentary from Paul Reubens, and loads of Pee Wee related stuff from his archives) possibly being released in 2005. I loved Pee Wee Herman when I was a kid, and the DVDs are going to be definate pick-ups for me.

Also in DVD news: the R-rated and unrated versions of the Dawn of the Dead remake will be available October 5. I'll probably end up buying both, just so I can compare and contrast. They could have done what New Line did with Jason Goes To Hell and put both versions on one set, but eh, I'll take what I can get. That multi-disc set of the original Dawn of the Dead will be released on September 7. It'll be four discs, with the original theatrical cut on one (that disc will be identical to the one that came out when the remake hit theaters), the extended "director's cut" on another, Dario Argento's European cut on the third, and Document of the Dead (a feature-length documentary filmed on the set of Dawn of the Dead) and other behind-the-scenes stuff on the fourth. Meanwhile, Kill Bill 2 will be released August 10, Walking Tall will be released September 28, and Warner Brothers will be releasing a 20th anniversary DVD of Purple Rain. I'm gonna have to get that Purple Rain DVD just for the "Jungle Love" music video that's supposed to be on it. You cannot say anything bad about The Time. That is not allowed.

I've also read that Columbia is releasing a 20th anniversary DVD of Ghostbusters in October. I already have the 15th anniversary DVD (it was the first DVD I ever bought, actually), so unless there's something on there that really grabs my attention, like a full cast commentary or the Ray Parker music video or something like that, I doubt I'll pick it up. The weird thing is that I was actually thinking about Ghostbusters getting a 20th anniversary DVD a few days ago. Too bad New Line already did the Nightmare on Elm Street box set, because that series could always get the 20th anniversary special treatment as well.

In other news, CBS and New Line have announced plans to do a reality show called Nightmare on Elm Street: Real Nightmares. CBS has ordered six episodes of the show, to be hosted by Robert Englund (without the Freddy makeup). At the start of each episode, participants will reveal their worst nightmare, and a visual effcts team will create it. The participants willthen have the opportunity to face their fear. So basically, the show is like a cross between Scare Tactics and Fear Factor.

I'm watching the original Rocky on AMC right now, and it made me remember some of the fun moments I had in college. Rocky IV was popular among the guys in the dorm that I hung out with. We'd often get into long, drawn-out discussions over the difference in Rocky and Ivan Drago's training. Drago spent all his time in a lab running on a treadmill and punching stuff, while Rocky pulled Paulie on a horse carriage and climbed a mountain. We just knew that Rocky was gonna kill the guy because of one reason: he climbed that mountain. See, the mountain wasn't just part of his training, but it was also a metaphor. If Rocky could conquer a mountain of nature, he can conquer the mountain that is Ivan Drago. Y'know, you haven't lived until you've been with a bunch of college students waxing philosophical over Sylvester Stallone movies.

I'm out of topics right now, sorry. Sutton out.


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