Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Freakin' Chuck Norris.

Egads, yesterday was a long day. I caught a 12:15 showing of Dodgeball with Mo, and it's really funny. They make you think Vince Vaughn is the star, but it's all about Ben Stiller. He carries the whole thing. I give it three and a half stars for being great, despite lacking in some parts. And having David Hasslehoff as the coach of the German team is inspired casting. If Norm McDonald has taught us anything, it's that Germans love David Hasslehoff. Anyway, I ended up crashing at Mo's house for the night, and we watched Scary Movie 3. Having never seen it before, I thought that it was funny, even though it was all over the place. I give it three stars.

Quick horror news: According to Variety, a sequel to 28 Days Later is in the works, tentatively titled 28 Weeks Later. It'll be produced by Danny Boyle and Alex Garland (who directed and wrote 28 Days Later, respectively), and Rowan Jaffe is in talks to write it. Meanwhile, Fangoria has learned that Universal's Monster Collection will be expanding in the near future. The Creature From The Black Lagoon movies, the Mummy movies (the old Boris Karloff ones, not the Brendan Fraser ones), and the Invisible Man movies will all be released on DVD on October 5. Start saving your pennies, monster movie fans (that means you, Libby).

VH1 makes me happy. They played the entirety of Morris Day's new live album ("It's About Time") last night. The album comes out on June 22, and as I've said in the past, Morris Day and The Time freaking rule.

I have nothing else to discuss at the moment, so I'm ending this one here. Sutton out.


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