Monday, May 10, 2004

Vampires, OVW, & Q.T.

Hey, look! An update! Another week's gone by, and I didn't bother to update until now.

I caught Van Helsing on Friday night and it wasn't bad at all. I thought the ending was a bummer, but other than that, it was pretty rockin'. The "Wolfman vs. Dracula vs. Frankenstein's Monster" concept was neat, and the fight between Van Helsing and Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde was both funny and awesome. The only complaint I have is the excessive CGI. If and when they do a sequel, the filmmakers should watch An American Werewolf In London and see how to do a werewolf with practical effects. Maybe they should hire somebody who can do good looking, realistic effects. Maybe Tom Savini or KNB, I dunno. Anyway, I'll give the movie three and a half stars for being a good roller-coaster ride of a movie.

I also got the chance to attend an OVW show in Bardstown this past Saturday, and it was awesome. The show flew by (lasting only an hour and a half), but I really had a good time. Besides, it was neat getting to see wrestlers I'd seen in WWE (or ECW, in Nova's case) up close for ten dollars. The surprise of the night was an appearance from Lance Storm, who interfered in the Matt Morgan/Johnny Nitro match. It was really unexpected, but then I got home and read that he'd be doing some OVW shows before retiring for good. But if you ever get the chance to see OVW in any way, do so. It gets my seal of approval.

I've got a bunch of new reviews up for you dear readers, as well. First off, we have Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill: Volume 1, and Kill Bill: Volume 2. I should go rent Jackie Brown, since it's the only one of Quentin Tarantino's movies I have yet to see. I've also got Cube 2 (and you can read my review for the original Cube here). Meanwhile, I'm also working on reviews for Ginger Snaps 2. It's currently a work-in-progress and should be coming soon.

Nothing else to report on. Sutton out.


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