Monday, March 8, 2004

Random Musings

You are Xander. You're a cool guy and you can
occasionally throw a good punch. Good for you.
Which Buffy Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I was hoping for somebody like Spike, since Spike's all cool and whatnot, but I'm not gonna complain. Xander's cool too. And have I mentioned lately that I'm addicted to Buffy The Vampire Slayer now? It's weird, because I used to really dislike Buffy, but I started watching reruns on FX last month and now I'm hooked. If I'd watched Buffy in college, I'd have had something fun to do. A group of my friends (anywhere from eight to fifteen at a time) would get together weekly to watch Buffy, and I wish I'd have been involved. Oh well, I guess hindsight's 20/20. And you readers can feel free to buy me the season DVDs and/or the movie from my Amazon wish list. You don't have to, but it would be nice and thoughtful. :)

Wrestlemania 20 is next Sunday. Will it be good? I hope so. I mean, it's freaking Wrestlemania. Not just any Wrestlemania, mind you, but Wrestlemania 20. It better be good, dagnabbit. I hope Raw tonight is good too.

Libby's latest update reminds me of that one scene in Kindergarten Cop. "IT'S NOT A TUMOR!"

And now, a salute to Rob's blog. It died, and I cried crocodile tears. :(

These DirecTV "fan letter" ads alternate between cool, dumb, and hilarious. Hearing Lawrence Fishborne yell "JUMPING JEHOSEPHAT YEE-HAW!" at the top of his lungs is too funny for words.

Two new movies added to the Blatant Movie Shilling: Hellboy and Walking Tall. I'm not too familiar with the Hellboy character (because I don't read comics), but it looks cool. And considering Walking Tall has The Rock and Johnny Knoxville (as well as being a remake of a Joe Don Baker movie), I'll have to give it a shot.

I'm gonna wrap things up for now. I might be back later with Raw comments, but then again, I might not. But for now, dear readers, excelcior.


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