Wednesday, October 8, 2003

The Movie Of My Nightmares, #5

Word around the campfire is that Freddy vs. Jason is going to be released in January as a video and two-disc Platinum Edition DVD. As far as extras go, I've heard that it'll be a two-disc set, featuring two commentaries (one from director Ronny Yu, the other from stars Robert "Freddy" Englund and Ken "Jason" Kirzinger), music videos, deleted/alternate scenes (including the original ending and various CGI things that didn't quite look right), the standard trailers, and various featurettes on things like the effects and stunts/fights. According to Yu, it'll also include documentaries on the evolution of both Freddy and Jason, and how their fight came to be. It sounds like it's gonna be one awesome DVD. If it were up to me, I'd make sure to include all of the TV commercials, and I'd do a commentary involving the main cast. Maybe that's just me. But you can guarantee that I'll gladly plunk down my 20 bones for this sucker come January. But you knew that, right? Considering I saw it five times, that should be a given. Right? Right.

I tried to pick up the DVD for the Willard remake yesterday, but the Wal-Mart I went to didn't have it, and the Blockbuster and Video Gallery I went to only had it available for rental. I haven't even seen it, but I want it. Crispin Glover is one of those guys that no matter what kind of character he plays, whatever movie he's in, it'll be memorable. If you've seen the first Back To The Future, the fourth Friday The 13th, or the two Charlie's Angels movies, he'll probably be stuck in your mind, at least for a little while. Given the right roles, he could be the next cult movie star. And it's a plus that he's proud of his ties to Jason.

I'm out for now. Later.


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