So this afternoon, I happened to visit the comic book shop over in Danville. Their inventory isn't really all that big, neither in terms of new stuff or back issues. But whenever I'm nearby, I like to stop in and look around anyway. Might as well, right?
Anyway, like I was saying, I was in the shop this afternoon. I wasn't looking for anything specific, I just wanted to see what they had around and maybe purchase something that caught my eye. You comic book fans know what I mean, right? So I'm in there browsing through the back issue bins, and I stumble upon
Daredevil #9, cover-dated August 1965. Yeah, the ninth issue of Daredevil's very first run. And the price tag? Three dollars and fifty cents. No fooling, it was that cheap.
Now I should say that it was marked for only $3.50 for a reason. Frankly, this issue's better days were long ago. There's small stains on the cover, which is hanging on for dear life thanks to some small tears. The staples look rusty, and the poor thing looks like its spine is lined up crooked. But considering the issue number and the fact that I'm not too incredibly picky when it comes to comics that are nearly forty-five years old, I don't mind making a concession or two when I think it's necessary. So as you may have surmised,
Daredevil #9 is part of my ever-blossoming comic book collection now. I must admit that I'm somewhat proud of myself, since it's the oldest book in my collection. How many people can say they paid less than five bucks for something like this, no matter what shape the book is in?
I came close to buying the four issues that made up the "Batman: Year One" storyline while I was in the store too, but due to budgetary concerns, I had to pass on them. Maybe next time...